Products, Bundles, Price & Discount Lists

Pricing Power, Sales Strength: The CRM that Works for You!

Manage your entire product catalogue within Unylo. Set and customise price lists and discount structures to meet market demands and sales strategies.

This feature allows for easy updates and adjustments, ensuring that your sales team always has access to current information, enabling them to offer competitive deals to your customers.


From First Contact to Final Sale

Manage More with Less!

Unylo’s integrated Products, Bundles, Price, and Discount Lists features allow businesses to achieve a competitive edge in the modern marketplace. This comprehensive approach ensures that businesses can efficiently manage and tailor their offerings to meet each customer’s unique demands, enhancing personalised interactions and customer satisfaction.

With the seamless integration of these elements, companies can swiftly adjust pricing, create custom bundles, and apply targeted discounts, facilitating more dynamic sales strategies and improved customer engagement.

Such capabilities streamline internal operations, making them more efficient, reducing the likelihood of errors and empowering sales teams to negotiate and close deals with greater agility and accuracy.

By leveraging Unylo, which encompasses these features, businesses are better positioned to respond to market trends, optimise sales processes, and foster long-term customer relationships, ultimately driving sales growth and enhancing their market position.


Let us improve your business!

By centralising customer data, Unylo enables businesses to offer personalised experiences, fostering stronger relationships and improving customer satisfaction.